Poems that made my friend Alex Laugh

To the Woman in Texas Who Ran Over a Homeless Man, Took Him Home, and Let Him Die in Her Garage:

I was hungry,
and you drove over me.

I was homeless,
and you drove me home
stuck in your windshield.

I was thirsty,
and you drowned me
with empty apologies.

I was bleeding,
and you left me in you car for three days.

I was alone,
and your actions
joined our names in the headlines.

I could have been the Christ,
yet you lacked the humanity
to remain at the scene of the accident.

Employees Must Wash Hands Before Returning to Work

Every time I wash my hands
in a public restroom
I think of Jimmy Wang
who, in 5th grade, got
Hepatitis A
and peed in the soap dispenser.

I’m the kind of girl
bigoted bowling pins hate.
They split to mock me.